Jesus said He was the church builder, not man (Matt.16:18). We view Him as the head of the body (Col.1:18), a role no man can fulfill. Thus we do all things with His directions and principles in mind, from the Scriptures (Col. 3:17). Fifty days after His resurrection He started His church, recorded in Acts 2. It has existed ever since, despite opposition and world changes. Entrance into Christ’s church comes about when one obeys the gospel. God Himself adds people to it (Acts 2:47). One must believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, understanding how these events provide us with forgiveness from sin. Repentance and baptism (immersion) in water for this forgiveness, based on faith in the working of God, is also necessary. (Acts 2:38; Col.2:12) Jesus unifies all nationalities into one body of people, His church. (Eph 2:13-22)